Category Archives: Music

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 21 – Sophia X.

Being true to oneself, working for good, we are emotional beings, following in crappy footsteps, circumcision, taboos, first pregnancy, modeling behavior, truth, breaking patterns, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 20 – Christian B.

Can we experience true empathy?, change is hard, how we focus, phone phobia, Detroit techno, love at first sight, where we are in history, Denmark, religion, hypocrisy, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 18 – Peter A.

Intense music teachers, cultural customs, bad cabby, empathy through self-reflection, both ends of the cycle of life, letting kids be, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 17 – Corey P.

Walking & wandering, executive function disorder, food service work, escaping the burbs, movies, lost in music, Haight Street, fate or circumstance, Benjamin Button, acceptance, pros and cons of conformity, the happiness gene, hat dependency, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 14 – David F.

Always drawing, clutter, nostalgia, time is not on my side, which eye?, Rolfing, hypochondria, wandering brain, soliloquy, The Great Dumb Down, severe empathy, bandwagoneers, déjà vu, math panic, to-don’t lists, love, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 13 – Charlie S.

Color affinity, lying on surveys, Oxyrynchus, living in denial, our bodies tell us things, what is garbage?, critical housekeeping, fear of dudes, looking inward, leaving a sh*tty legacy, be good wherever you are, from inside the bubble, being oneself, winning & losing, Olympic comedy, forced morals, being young with an uncertain future, radical acceptance, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN Outtakes – Volume 1

A collection of conversation remnants from prior episodes, with music. This volume includes previously unreleased content from episodes 1, 2 & 3.

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 11 – Jud B.

The little known cause of the fall of The Roman Empire, natural disasters & extinction, plastic species, tardigrades, reshaping society, using technology for good, U2 in space, what money does, following your dreams, mourning the lost spirit of San Francisco, hooked on news, raising good kids, a smile goes a mile, diabetes, drugs, Facebook likes art, Apple breaks noses, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 10 – Rob G.

M&Ms, everybody likes caramel, anti-vegetables, once upon a time in San Francisco, barely escaping Texas, uninvited racist bonding attempts, zen and the art of motorcycle mania, dragged to church, anti-Christmas, atheist with a hint of agnostic, the reward loop, money is meaningless, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 7 – Eva L.

Plastic garbage, gendered professions, girl ninjas, donuts, anthropomorphization, Babe, cartoon racism, word play w/ Eva Langman, Russians, stereotypes, climate and culture, cars, text painting, brown, teaching empathy, horror vs. sci-fi, blue velvet, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 6 – Ben W.

Roomba & friends, spying, learning to drive, rationalizing the irrational, normalizing the abnormal, conspiracies, “news” feed, kakistocracy, the fall of capitalism, teaching discrimination, discord vs. harmony, animal communication, making meaning, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 4 – Jason K.

Plastic tea, resting in wonder, breeding laziness, practicing poverty, treats, neti pots, snot raccoons, fecal replacement therapy, bullsh*t meters, pointless discrimination, forced gratitude, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 2 – Clarissa H.

Disconnection, child mental health, endorphin rushes, unmet needs, profanely-named superheroes, Michigan drivers, violent video games, gross words, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 1 – Aaron G.

Old grudges, psychic wounds, demerits and happygrams, revenge fantasies, warped identities, making amends, and much, much more…