Tag Archives: vulnerability

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 81 – Lindsay K.

Surviving cancer, childhood anxiety, eating disorders, achievement culture, the need for love, lust for life, sharing our difficulties, corona virus perspectives, hope, shedding false authenticity, and much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 80 – Brett I.

Making Monster Road, Bruce Bickford, clay animation, documentary filmmaking, Renaldo Kuhler, Rocaterrania, family psychology, fantasy and metaphor, journalism, the necessity of art, and much more…



OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 25 – Josh B.

Toxic masculinity, vulnerability, empathy, commitment, the triangle, using privilege for good, new father of a son, last of the revolutions?, spreading love, global reckoning, parenting advice, Mr. Rogers, and much, much more…